Learn more about your Pixelblaze!
Quick Start
Here you'll find guides to help you get started quickly.
- Pixelblaze V3 Standard
- Pixelblaze V3 Pico
- Assembly instructions for the Beautiful Box kit
Hardware Setup
Get more detailed information about connecting hardware like LEDs and power.
- Getting Started covers basic setup with all Pixelblaze controllers in a more thorough format than the Quick Starts.
- The Sensor Expansion Board lets your Pixelblaze (or any other microcontroller) react to sound, ambient light, motion / orientation, and up to 5 additional analog sensor signals.
- The Output Expander gives your Pixelblaze (or any other microcontroller) 8 output channels. This simplifies wiring on many projects. It also will allow faster frame rates on projects with many WS281X pixels.
- The Pro Output Expander adds optional 12V, high current distribution, DIP switches and status indicators, fuses, and solderless terminal blocks.
Using the App
Learn more about the powerful features of the built-in app, which is also an IDE.
Language and API
Pixelblaze patterns run a familliar JavaScript-like subset of ES6.
- Language Reference for the core pattern engine.
- WebSocket API - Control Pixelblaze over the network or send it data to use in patterns.
Advanced Pixelblaze Features
Get more from your Pixelblaze with these advanced features.
- Into to Pixel Coordinate Mapping - Tell Pixelblaze how yor pixels are arranged in space to use 2D and 3D patterns.
- You can add a button that extends the small one built-in to the board. A quick press changes to the next pattern; holding it for 5 seconds resets WiFi settings.
- GPIO is how your Pixelblaze can read and output electrical signals like an Arduino.